Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Arbit Observations #4

The Goddess is back.

Yes, you may kiss the ground.

Apologies for the no-show have already been made.....So brace yourselves for another dose of asininely arbit observations from my so-called life. What better way to kick off the blogging for this year??

Tsk tsk…. Didn’t your mama tell you that groaning audibly is rude??? Here goes.....

1. You know your life has sucked as thoroughly as it possibly can when

a. Everything that can go wrong has gone wrong
b. When you thought things couldn’t get worse, they just did
c. AND, the only email you’ve received in a week on your personal id is about a 70% discount on Viagra.

2. The ugly duckling grew up to become a swan. In Andersen’s version at least. In real life, there’s a 99.999% probability that the ugly duckling will grow up to become at best, a verrrry average DUCK. Accepting this fact has freed up an incredible amount of time for me to focus on bigger issues of life. Like the wonderful ambiguity of phrases like ‘Striking looks’ and ‘Unconventional appearance’. Oh yes, Her Royal Duckiness lets out an indignant quack every now and then, but is at peace otherwise.

3. Pointy toed shoes on men give me the creeps. Crrrreeeeeepsssss. I’m talking about the shoes that taper into a point that sticks out ten inches in front of the wearer. Call me antiquated if you will, but my support for the metrosexual man goes only as far as clean nails and good overall hygiene.

4. WHYYYY do my northie counterparts expect me to fall on any and every plate of curd rice/idlis like a starving refugee???

5. Why Zahra? Why not another name? Thought I’d explained that somewhere in this blog. Actually, Thamaraichelvi Kumudavalli and Isabel DeMontmorency St Claude were close contenders. But then I figured that a Zahra by any other name would be just as asinine. Therefore, the name with the least typing effort won.

6. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why Indian men scratch their privates in public with complete abandon. Like, it’s called ‘privates’ with a purpose, right? Mebbe it’s coz of a flawed genetic strain unique to the males of our race. Something like the see-wall-MUST-pee syndrome they already suffer from. Tragic. Am going cross-eyed from all the eye-averting I do during my daily commute.

7. Never do a competent job of anything if you can help it. No more than what's needed to keep your job, I mean. Working my backside off under crazy deadlines, and pulling off the near impossible even once only translates into more loony projects coming my way...with crazier deadlines. Like I want this at 3 p.m. yesterday types.

8. Bairi Piya in Devdas is a pretty decent song, come to think of it (it’s playing on radio as I type) Would’ve been better if they’d shaved off the “Eeesh” bits and taken a good forty seconds off it. Waitaminit….that also means removing the only part of the song I can sing. Eeeeeesh!!

9. And while we’re on songs, I SOOOO miss the hostel gaana sessions. :-((

Words cannot describe the joys of singing Umrao Jaan songs with 3 other similarly challenged AND loud females at 3 a.m., while smirking at the wails of misery from adjoining rooms. (Cackle, cackle) A nice, steaming plate of Maggi at 5 a.m. and my plate...sorry, cup of happiness would overflow. Sigh.

10. I hate pointy toed sh…..Oops, that one’s done already…. Okay, I HATE random and indiscriminate displays of…. Heck, ANY display of butt cleavage. Why, people, why???? Found myself at a crowded coffee shop the other day, with several square inches of ‘it’ on display at chair-level all around (Eeewwww). Guys and gals alike. Somebody help me if I’m missing the point here. Honestly, seeing that the brief is authentic Calvin Klein doesn’t make it any less traumatic.

11. And Dostaana must’ve really sucked yaar. Oh, not that I’ve seen it. Y’see I couldn’t help but think so when all my gal-buddies denounced the movie in unison. When women say that about a movie, despite liberal close up shots of just John Abraham in just his chuddies, then you gotta do a serious rethink. Btw, I’m told his apparel is all original designer wear. Not that I’d know …and not that I think most of us gals would care ;-P

Well, that’s all the arbitness I can manage for now, so breathe easy folks. Am busy pinning up my list of new year resolutions on the wall. Oops, just lost 3 months in getting started.

Zahra, you eeeeediot, change that 8 to 9.


Anonymous said...

well well, Some of your thoughts kinda rhime with mine:)


when everything can go wrong, it will and does happen...I have read up Murphy's complete laws and can relate to this very well:)

I never liked pointy shoes myself:) a certain tall dude(with a gujju surname), since then gone used to wear those sort, emm...even the 'one above me', have seen it on him sometimes:)

then the assumption that southie wallahs love only idlis and sort....silly aint it...most ppl dont realise that south is heterogenous in its own way...like U would never touch anything that I would cook up:P(over-spicy u know)

and lastly the privates part...well I have not observed too much of it since ahem, my eyes dont look around for those things....but yes , I have seen it up close range and it gets rather disgusting:)

So here is a longie comment for u:)

Happy 1st anniv to ur blog....and KEEP IT ACTIVE!!

Philip said...

Happy first anniversary to your blog :)
Good to see a post (ok, 2) after a long time. Kind of disappointing to think I'll have to wait many more months for a post.

Indian Madder said...


Hehehe...guess we've all had these kinda moments some time or the other! Ummm.... for the 'heterogenous' part, i believe your affliction is a regional genetic quirk/mutation ;-D
And are you suggesting that I go looking for certain sights?!?!? :O


Hey thanks!! :)

And okay, okay, I get that (soooo NOT) subtle dig in the ribs!! Would love to write more often, but 'insane' is too mild to describe my life these days....nice profile pic btw! :)