Recently, I was having this perfectly ordinary conversation with a colleague of mine when she casually dropped this line…..
“You know, my mom had tried to abort when she was pregnant with me, but that attempt failed. So she carried me to full term.”
Mentally, I’d gone all slack-jawed while keeping a normal face on the outside (or so I believe). But such was the impact of that one line that I’ve even forgotten the context in which it was said. The colleague in question didn’t seem too fazed, but I was reeling from what I’d heard. Needless to say, the rest of the conversation went over my head.
How do you deal with the knowledge that your mother tried to get rid of you when you were in her womb???? We’re all conditioned to expect being wanted in some capacity or other.....Most of all by our families.
No doubt, abortion was, is, and will always be a question with no right or wrong answers. I’m against taking a life, especially when the target in question cannot fight back or speak up. But I also think that the mother in question is the only one who can take a call on the matter. That too only in certain circumstances.
Well, I’m not going to debate the rights and wrongs of an age old issue here. Fine, so you tried to abort your baby for reasons best known to you. Assuming your child survived an abortion attempt, is it really necessary to let them know about it later? Does the parent in question even have a clue about the emotional crapload they’re dumping on a kid’s head??
Granted, from what I know my friend seems to have had a normal, happy life with her folks so far. But how does it feel to know that at some time, however long back, you were not wanted? That the ones responsible for your existence actually tried to eliminate you from the scene? And yes, this friend will have certain health issues for life, thanks to the botched abortion.
I guess this is better than what another friend of mine went through. Her teen years weren’t very smooth, what with her being the much younger child and her mom having a successful, demanding career. One particularly nasty mother-daughter spat stopped dead in its tracks when her mom yelled, “You know something?? I never wanted you. I knew it wasn’t good for my career. I would’ve aborted you, but your grandmom wouldn’t budge.”
We could only watch the trauma she went through while trying to come to terms with that revelation. She’s married now, with a child of her own. On the face of it atleast, she seems to have made peace with her mother. It’s not something I can ask about despite being a close friend.
I really don’t know.
And I can’t judge either, though it’s really hard to restrain myself from doing so. Mebbe it’s coz I’ve never seen an unborn child being regarded with anything other than joyful anticipation. Anxiety yes, but of the positive kind.
I guess there are some situations in life where the bliss of ignorance is the best alternative.
thats painful....i think we all have taken for granted the love from our parents....i dont how much emotionally strong someone has to be face such answers....hope the folks you have mentioned are over the trauma of knowing it!
well i can some how relate to this......
my parents did not want another child but due to my granny's incessant grumblings they went ahead. now my sis knows this fact and at times she just brings it up out of the blue that i came coz of granny....its not that she's an unhappy child or has been partially treated but this thought is there in her mind n i wonder its such a jolt to one's self esteem...she never said nything openly but that sudden mention of it, even while fooling around or cracking jokes is reflective of that negativity in her mind and a slight inclination towards inferiority....
Once a parent has considered aborting a child, I think it will remain in the depth of their minds for a long time, and it is bound to come out over the course of many years. It's tough having to deal with such information, and I feel sorry for your friends. There are also many kids who are made to feel unwanted without their parents telling so. They would find it more difficult to deal with it, in my opinion.
Thanks for dropping by!! You're right.... ideally we should never have to 'earn' the love of our families. But once this kinda situation pops up, I guess you have no choice but to be strong, if you have the least desire to get on with your life.
@State of mind
Hi... and welcome aboard!!:)I guess the occasional comment is your sis's way of coping. And I'm pretty sure things like these rankle, no matter how lovingly you've been raised later.... it's tough, and I hope your sister manages to rise above it.
True... I guess the turmoil continues at some level for the parent too. There are many ways of being made to feel unwanted, but methinks once a reason like this is known, every little slight will assume giant proportions.... definitely not healthy.
whew!! hmm thats a terrible terrible thing to tell your daughter. Well, who am I to judge....
I believe that only people who love each other can hurt each other to the core. Maybe its part of the "love" equation. But in a sane situation, I think no parent should ever ever tell a child that he/she was unwanted.
Hey, thanks for dropping in! :)
Yeah, it is rather ironic that the people we care for the most, often do/say the most hurtful u said, it's the 'love' equation, but knowing that wouldn't have made this situation any better...
hi zahra,
i wonder whether u remember me...
but i do...and a lil gratefully too...
man, you are a serious person...seems like the people who spend most of their times being funny, concentrate their serious side so much in the little time left that when it hits you, you are nothing but stunned..
Shastryyyyyyyyyy.....mi amigo!!:) Thought you'd given up all plans of stepping out of your pigeonhole!
Good to have you back buddy.... but am still waiting for a new post. Hope all's well....take care.
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