Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Damn... :((

Just received official confirmation....


I mean it. But...I repeat....BUT the divine Zahra is made of sterner stuff and shall rise above all this..... just wait n see.

Wonder why folks get the impression that if you've raked through the muck and come out smelling of roses just once, you're dying to make a profession out of it.... have they ever considered that it might just have been a benevolent higher power that was on my side?? :)

My C&H Random Quote generator seems to have sensed it too....hmmm.

Time to roll up your sleeves and swing into action, girl!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey there I am in your club as well:((

Though I took a rather drastic step of mailing MJ himself!!

Don't know what is gonna happen now:) But anyways something had to happen some time or another.

Your friendly bhoot:)

Sritanu said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel! :) any idea hows to shake of these shackles will be most welcome :P

Indian Madder said...

Aren't we all?:) Pretty much on expected lines I'd say....


A joint boo-hoo-hoo session, followed by a reviving cuppa filterkaapi would've been great :).... I'll be back soon, so mebbe we'll brainstorm then!!